22 Strand Dna Activation

Feb 23, 2016 - 18 min - Uploaded by AEOLIAHFeaturing a short excerpt from Aeoliah's book: THE LIQUID LIGHT OF HEALING. 22 Strand DNA Activation. 1573 likes 1 talking about this. The Life Activation is offered by certified practitioners of the Modern Mystery School in. Nov 24, 2008. It is a once-and-done energetic process which activates that part of your DNA which is currently dormant! The process is called the 22-Strand DNA Activation. To some of you, this type of Work may be unfamiliar territory. The bottom line is: if you want to be the best person God put you on this Earth to be,. The 22-Strand DNA activation is a tremendous gift that was unveiled two years ago to accelerate the spiritual awakening of the collective consciousness on the planet. This unique activation is associated with the ancient mystery school lineage of King Solomon. It was used to activate high priests and priestesses, oracles,.
DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Our present physical DNA contains two strands which hold the genetic codes for our physical evolvement. There are also an additional 22 strands, which are known as 'Shadow Strands' until they are activated. Our DNA contains the master plan, or blueprint, for who we are, our life purpose and our Divine Potential – who we are as a Divine Being. Holding the encoded information relative to both our physical and spiritual lineage, it is unique and very personal.
It determines our physical form, hereditary maladies, mental proclivities, emotional behavioural patterns, spiritual gifts and more. It is God-given, holy and sacred and defines our uniqueness.
It is who we are! Locked within our DNA are emotional codes that are handed down from generation to generation. These emotional codes are then triggered through our belief systems and through life altering events. The 22 Shadow Strands are currently held in our etheric body, and once activated hold the codes for the evolvement of our emotional DNA.
Where Does This Information Come From? Download Emergency 4 Portuguese Mod on this page. The esoteric knowledge of DNA and DNA Activation has been handed down in Mystery School teachings from ancient times. Traditionally, mystery school teachings have helped people gain understanding, develop wisdom, and strengthen inner guidance. They have been likened to universities for the soul, where the curriculum focuses on how to awaken and develop our highest potential, and to attain divine awareness. Ultra Focus Keygen Download Softonic here. The purpose of the mystery tradition is the conscious realization of one's True Self and one's connection to others, both physical and spiritual. The lineage for the 22 Strand DNA Activation can be traced unbroken to a time long before King Solomon, over 3,000 years.