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IAP Patcher born when Apple released in-app purchases, the developers got the chance to earn money based on those apps purchases but, iOS users were not looking happy. They always has argue that why they purchase these apps from thousands upon thousands apps, when they have paid for costly iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. What i-AP Patcher does is, it cracks in-app purchases and redirect buyer direct on item page, so, that they don’t need to pay anything for that purchase. Urus has developed iAP cracker app for iOS. I-AP cracker works for jailbroken iOS 11.1. Biggie Smalls Duets The Final Chapter Rar Download on this page. 2, iOS 8, iOS 7 and iOS 6 on iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.

Your jailbroken iOS should have Cydia installer to add iAP cracker repo to use it. How to Download iAP Cracker for iOS. 1 A common requirement, you should have jailbroken iOS in order to use iAP Patcher.