Dell Latitude 10 St2 Install Windows 7

Dell Latitude 10 St2 Install Windows 7Dell Latitude 10 St2 Install Windows 7

Hello, My boss just bought an hp pavilion g7-2200et with win8-x64 and wanted me to downgrade it to win7-x86. Thanks in advance, hope you will reply soon I will take this as a Company PC, Pre-installed with Windows 8 Pro. Call HP/Compaq & order the Windows 7 downrights DVD. If not, stay with x64.Thing is, the windows is not pro so i cannot use the windows downgrade rights dvd. And the boss asks for x86 because the programs he'll use will not work properly on x64. So im kinda ***ed i guess since i have to install an x86 os on this laptop. Andy Mckee Rylynn Tablature Pdf To Excel here.

I have never heard of any x86 program that wouldn't run on a x64 Windows OS. It will run all programs x86 and x64. Would be surprised if someone with an x64 OS didn't have any x86 programs running.