Dos Com Port Settings

How would you change the baud rates for the com ports in dos? I've found this command, called MODE, that will do this for you, but according to the EasyDos Index, it will only go up to 9600. Isn't there any way to increase it to something higher? Or is there a small utility I can download and put it on the DOS machine to change the baud rate for me? KingOfSnake - The only sports drink with ice crystals (and marshmellos!) RE: Changing Baud Rates for COM ports in DOS (TechnicalUser) 10 Mar 01 19:11.
Drivers For Neo Basic B3300 Driver. Feb 12, 2013. Here however, its output is redirected (using the “>” character) to the special filename “COM1”, which is actually a serial port rather than a file on disk. So the string “hello” gets. Finally, to configure the baudrate before sending a string to the serial port, the mode command can be used. For example, to set. Syntax MODE COMm[:] [b[,p[,d[,s[,r]]]]] MODE COMm[:] [BAUD=b] [PARITY=p] [DATA=d] [STOP=s] [RETRY=r] Parameters COMm Specifies the number of the serial (COM) port. Valid values for m are in the range 1 through 4. If you omit any of the following five parameters, MODE uses the most recent setting for the omitted.
This is from: (How old is your machine? DOS and Old Systems do have limitations. 3com 3c905c Driver Windows 7. ) 'MODE' COMMAND INFORMATION Configures system devices. Mode status is used to view and or modify a port or display setting.

Examples To set up your system so that it sends parallel-printer output to a serial printer, you must use the mode command twice. The first time, use mode to configure the serial port. The second time, use mode to redirect parallel-printer output to the serial port you specified in the first mode command. For example, if your serial printer operates at 4800 baud with even parity and is connected to the COM1 port (the first serial connection on your computer), type: mode com1 48,e,,,b mode lpt1=com1 If you redirect parallel-printer output from LPT1 to COM1 but then decide that you want to print a file by using LPT1, type the following command before you print the file: mode lpt1 This command prevents the redirection the file from LPT1 to COM1.