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Sorry but i’m still confuse with your explanation, this is the scenario: I have a double namenode(namenode 1 and namenode 2) and 5 datanode, i have install hue1 one namenode1 and hue2 on namenode2 I configure all namenodes on federation mode with the same datanode. If i upload some data(data1) from namenode1 trough hue1, I can’t read the data1 through hue2, but if I configured hue2 to pointing on namenode1, sure it can read the data1 but i can’t upload any other data trough namenode2 or even read the data on namenode2. If I pointing two webhdfs via pseudo-distributed.ini on two namenode on the single hue like this: webhdfs_url=webhdfs_url=the service won’t up and give me an error message So, what should I configure to make a single hue can read and upload the data from both namenode?
Thank’s before •. Thanks for your quick answer. I’ll test your command line tomorrow morning. Anyway, find here some additional informations. The 1rst problem is the system cannot write into /tmp (warning into administation page in my previous mesage). And if I navigate into file system, I cannot write into any directory (if connected with Hue ‘s user for exemple, I cannot write into /user/Hue).
Cisco Speed Meter Pro License Key Download. One more question before test your command line: Do I test it with Hadoop ‘s user or Hue’s? Once again, thanks for your help. Yes I’ve created hdfs’ user in HUE and connected in HUE with. I don’t know what “btw’ means Anyway, I’ve launched the “./supervisor” command from Linux with alternatively root & hue users. I’ve installed Hadoop with ‘hadoop’ user which belongs to ‘hadoop’ group. I’ve tried to add hue user to hadoop’s group. Yesterday, I’ve executed the ‘`touch foo && hadoop fs -put foo /tmp/foo` test.
It walked but when I look at /tmp/foo file’s properties I can see that the file belongs to ‘hue’ user and to ‘supergroup’ group. Too, I’ve tried to add the ‘dfs.permissions.supergroup’ into core-site.xml. Without success. I hope this help. Thanks again •. Sorry, I don’t know how to check it.
All I’m sure is that I’ve configure this port in any conf. I’ve done a pseudo-distributed intallation on only one machaine. Here is what I can see when I start dfs (start-dfs.sh commande) concerning datanode: Starting namenodes on [My_IP_Address] My_IP_Address: starting namenode, logging to /home/hadoop/hadoop/logs/hadoop-hadoop-namenode-di-app-dat01.out localhost: starting datanode, logging to /home/hadoop/hadoop/logs/hadoop-hadoop-datanode-di-app-dat01.out Starting secondary namenodes [] starting secondarynamenode, logging to /home/hadoop/hadoop/logs/hadoop-hadoop-secondarynamenode-di-app-dat01.out Hope this helps you •. Hello Thank u for your kind reply 🙂 Any how i am not able to completely resolve the configuration error. But even after starting oozie, I am getting the following error in the hue home page. (unavailable) Oozie Share Lib not installed in default location.
Can u please help me out. I am nit using any packages like Cloudera quick start or hortonworks or anything.
I have installed all the hadoop components separately and now i ma trying to install and configure hue 3.9 also. And I am going to connect all the hadoop components with HUE. Will u help me sir. (unavailable) Oozie Share Lib not installed in default location. SQLITE_NOT_FOR_PRODUCTION_USE SQLite is only recommended for small development environments with a few users. Solution For Mechanics Of Materials Beer 6th Edition. Hive The application won’t work without a running HiveServer2.
HBase Browser The application won’t work without a running HBase Thrift Server v1. Impala No available Impalad to send queries to. Spark The app won’t work without a running Livy Spark Server These are the 6 configuration error i got while opening the HUE page. But I am solve one by one.