Lm Cracker
John the Ripper password cracker. John the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix, Windows, DOS, and OpenVMS.
• ^ Jesper Johansson.. TechNet Magazine. Retrieved 2 November 2015. Although Windows Vista has not been released yet, it is worthwhile to point out some changes in this operating system related to these protocols. The most important change is that the LM protocol can no longer be used for inbound authentication—where Windows Vista is acting as the authentication server.

• Rahul Kokcha •.. Retrieved 2015-05-12.
A brute force hash cracker generate all possible plaintexts and compute the corresponding hashes on the fly, then compare the hashes with the hash to be cracked. Once a match is found. Be improved further. Several TB of generated rainbow tables for LM, NTLM, MD5 and SHA1 hash algorithms are listed in this page. Note that if the password has a ':' in it the user name will have a '?' Instead of a ':'. If your LM hash is 'AAD3B435B51404EEAAD3B435B51404EE' then my LM convert function doesn't support one or more characters in your password, your password is blank, or the LM algorithm doesn't support your password.

• Glass, Eric (2006).. Retrieved 2015-05-12. Retrieved 2015-05-12. Retrieved 2015-05-12. • Johansson, Jasper M. Retrieved 2015-05-12. Retrieved 2015-05-12.
Retrieved 2015-05-12. Crash Crash Boom. Retrieved 2015-05-12. Retrieved 2015-05-12.
Retrieved 2015-05-12. Retrieved 2015-05-12. External links [ ] Wikibooks has a book on the topic of: • • Oechslin, Philippe (2003). Advances in Cryptology, CRYPTO 2003. • mudge (1997-07-24).. Archived from on 1997-07-24.
Hc64p -m3000 -a3. M LM.hash?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d ** Valid keyfile for beta usage: malik (expires ) cudaHashcat-plus v0.09 by atom starting. Hashes: 2 Unique digests: 2 Bitmaps: 8 bits, 256 entries, 0x000000ff mask, 1024 bytes GPU-Loops: 32 GPU-Accel: 8 Password lengths range: 1 - 7. Device #1: Kernel./kernels/4318/m3000_a3.sm_21.ptx 36077a718ccdf409:8 0182bd0bd4444bf8:1234467 Status.: Cracked Input.Mode.: Mask (?d?d?d?d?d?d?d) Hash.Target.: 0182bd0bd4444bf836077a718ccdf409 Hash.Type.: LM Time.Running.: 0 secs Time.Util.: 964.5ms/1.5ms Real/CPU, 0.2% idle Speed.: 4512.0k c/s Real, 35682.4k c/s GPU Recovered.: 2/2 Digests, 1/1 Salts Progress.: 430000 (43.52%) Rejected.: 0/4352000 (0.00%) HWMon.GPU.#1.: 0% Util, 45c Temp, -1rpm Fan Started: Mon May 28 18: Stopped: Mon May 28 18:Notice the second hash.
Hc64p -m3000 -a3 -1?u?d. M LM.hash?1?1?1 ** Valid keyfile for beta usage: malik (expires ) cudaHashcat-plus v0.09 by atom starting. Hashes: 2 Unique digests: 2 Bitmaps: 8 bits, 256 entries, 0x000000ff mask, 1024 bytes GPU-Loops: 32 GPU-Accel: 8 Password lengths range: 1 - 7. Device #1: Kernel./kernels/4318/m3000_a3.sm_21.ptx 8c6f5d02deb21501:AAC Status.: Exhausted Input.Mode.: Mask (?1?1?1) Hash.Target.: 0000008c6f5d02deb21501 Hash.Type.: LM Time.Running.: 0 secs Time.Left.: 0 secs Time.Util.: 998.0ms/1.6ms Real/CPU, 0.2% idle Speed.: 46747 c/s Real, 10930.8k c/s GPU Recovered.: 1/2 Digests, 0/1 Salts Progress.: 6 (100.00%) Rejected.: 0/46656 (0.00%) HWMon.GPU.#1.: 0% Util, 45c Temp, -1rpm Fan Started: Mon May 28 18: Stopped: Mon May 28 18: One more? Hc64p -m3000 -a3 -1?u?d. M LM.hash?1?1?1 ** Valid keyfile for beta usage: malik (expires ) cudaHashcat-plus v0.09 by atom starting. Hashes: 2 Unique digests: 2 Bitmaps: 8 bits, 256 entries, 0x000000ff mask, 1024 bytes GPU-Loops: 32 GPU-Accel: 8 Password lengths range: 1 - 7.
Device #1: Kernel./kernels/4318/m3000_a3.sm_21.ptx Status.: Exhausted Input.Mode.: Mask (?1?1?1) Hash.Target.: 0000001c3a2b6d939a1021 Hash.Type.: LM Time.Running.: 0 secs Time.Left.: 0 secs Time.Util.: 997.8ms/1.6ms Real/CPU, 0.2% idle Speed.: 46757 c/s Real, 38278.6k c/s GPU Recovered.: 0/2 Digests, 0/1 Salts Progress.: 6 (100.00%) Rejected.: 0/46656 (0.00%) HWMon.GPU.#1.: 0% Util, 44c Temp, -1rpm Fan Started: Mon May 28 18: Stopped: Mon May 28 18:Not found! At first I thought it's my generator which is the problem, I used EGB to make sure of that but, EGB cracked them all correctly! Hc64p -m3000. M Odic. Nhl 13 Keygen Torrent. dic ** Valid keyfile for beta usage: malik (expires ) cudaHashcat-plus v0.09 by atom starting. Hashes: 6 Unique digests: 5 Bitmaps: 8 bits, 256 entries, 0x000000ff mask, 1024 bytes Rules: 1 GPU-Loops: 32 GPU-Accel: 8 Password lengths range: 1 - 7. Device #1: Kernel./kernels/4318/m3000_a0.sm_21.ptx Scanned dictionary. M Odic.dic: 20 bytes, 4 words, 4 keyspace, starting attack.