Mu Tron Bi Phase Manualidades

Mu-Tron Bi-Phase “ The World’s First Dual Phasor The Mu-Tron Bi-Phase consists of two independent 6-stage phasor circuits, two sweep generators (oscillators), and a number of unique additional controls to allow maximum flexibility in generating a variety of phasing effects. The Mu-Tron Bi-Phase also offers several convenience features including LED indicators on each phasor, mike stand socket on bottom of housing for above-the-floor mounting, and AC cord storage on back panel. Alpha Centauri Resolution Hack more. The unit is furnished with a dual foot switch and has an optical photoelectric foot pedal and provision for synthesizer interface for external control of sweep.
And, like all Mu-Tron products, the Mu-Tron Bi-Phase and its accessories are solidly constructed to withstand the most severe professional use.” – From original Musitronics Bi-Phase ad circa 1970s.
The Pi-Phase mk2 is an accurate reproduction of the original Mu-Tron Bi-Phase dual phase-shifter, but in a more compact format much more suited to pedal-boards / live use. Chase Bliss Audio Warped Vinyl Review – Best Analog Vibrato/Chorus. NPD- the venerable Mutron Bi Phase The Gear Page AussiGuitarsGuitarVintage Guitars.