Program For Bisection Method In Fortran Format
See Successive substitution method Flow control, 68 break command, 70 elseif command, 69 for. End command, 70 if...else...end commands, 69 relational expressions, 68–69 while...end command, 70 for. End command, 70 Format statements, 74–75 Formula translation. See FORTRAN FORTRAN, 5, 16, 25 bisection. Program bisection. Implicit none. Real:: a,b,c,error,f. Write(*,*)'Enter two numbers a and b simultaneously between which the root is to be found'. 10 read(*,*) a,b. 15 if (f(a)*f(b). Hongerspelen Ebook Gratis Downloaden more. lt. Write(*,*)'Try with another values of a and b'. If (f(a)*f(c).lt.
Program bisection implicit none real:: a,b,c,error,f error = 1.0e-06 write( *, *) 'Enter two numbers a and b simultaneously between which the root is to be found ' 10 read( *, *) a,b 15 if (f(a) *f(b).lt. 0) then c=(a+b)/2. Install Dvd Player In Honda Pilot. 0 else write( *, *) 'Try with another values of a and b ' goto 10 end if if (f(a) *f(c).lt. 0) then b =c else a =c end if if ( abs(b -a).gt.
Portable Powerpoint Viewer 2007 Free Download. Error) goto 15 write( *, *) 'The root is ',c end program real function f( x) implicit none real::x f = 3 *x + sin(x) - exp(x) end function.