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Background COPD self-management is a complex behavior influenced by many factors. Despite scientific evidence that better disease outcomes can be achieved by enhancing self-management, many COPD patients do not respond to self-management interventions. To move toward more effective self-management interventions, knowledge of characteristics associated with activation for self-management is needed. The purpose of this study was to identify key patient and disease characteristics of activation for self-management. Results A total of 290 participants (age: 67.2±10.3; forced expiratory volume in 1 second predicted: 63.6±19.2) were eligible for analysis.
While poor activation for self-management (PAM-1) was observed in 23% of the participants, only 15% was activated for self-management (PAM-4). Multiple linear regression analysis revealed six explanatory determinants of activation for self-management ( P. Conclusion This study showed that only a minority of COPD patients is activated for self-management. Although only a limited part of the variance could be explained, anxiety, illness perception, BMI, age, disease severity, and comorbidities were identified as key determinants of activation for self-management. This knowledge enables health care professionals to identify patients at risk of inadequate self-management, which is essential to move toward targeting and tailoring of self-management interventions. Future studies are needed to understand the complex causal mechanisms toward change in self-management. Introduction COPD is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases worldwide and the fourth leading cause of mortality., Increased burden of COPD is expected due to aging of the population and continued exposure to COPD risk factors., To address the burden on both patients and society, self-management has become increasingly important.– Self-management is defined as “an individual’s ability to detect and manage symptoms, treatment, physical and psychosocial consequences, and lifestyle changes inherent in living with a chronic condition”.
Study population and recruitment Patients diagnosed with mild-to-very severe COPD were selected by the attending physician according to the following inclusion criteria: a clinical diagnosis of COPD meaning a post-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV 1)/forced vital capacity (FVC) ratio. Data collection Data were collected by means of administering a questionnaire and medical chart review. The questionnaire was a composition of Dutch-validated questionnaires and a set of questions to determine sociodemographic characteristics. The primary outcome activation for self-management was measured by the Patient Activation Measure (PAM-13), a 13-item instrument that assesses self-reported knowledge, skills, and confidence for self-management.,, A positive change in activation has shown to be associated with positive changes in various self-management behaviors.
Nov 13, 2017. CAPs supplementation significantly reduced hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia (Pconcentrations in serum and liver and by increasing total antioxidant capacity in serum induced by the low-fat–high-sucrose and high-fat diets. The main outcome was activation for self-management, measured with the 13-item Patient Activation Measure (PAM). Download video file. 4 (≥67.1 points) – the individual patients' level of activation can be determined.20,22 A higher level refers to higher activations scores.14 Patients in level 1 are. PowerPRO is a battery saver app that helps conserve your phone's battery life in several ways. First, it closes inactive applications running in the background that are consuming battery life while allowing you to select the ones that you want to keep open. Second, it acts as power saver by controlling the brightness on your. Garfield My BIG FAT Diet Hack - Amazing Cheats For 1m Coins (No Survey) *Android iOS* Garfield My BIG FAT Diet Hack 2017 How To Get Unlimited Coins in Garfield My BIG FAT Diet! '2017 Updated'!!No Activation Code!! Garfield My BIG FAT Diet Hack - Amazing Cheats For 1m Tool 2017 - Glitch. Autodata Activation Code.
Items are scored on a five-point scale. The sum of these scores is converted in a 0–100 point scale., Based on cut-off points for the four levels of activation – level 1 (≤47.0 points), level 2 (47.1–55.1 points), level 3 (55.2–67 points), and level 4 (≥67.1 points) – the individual patients’ level of activation can be determined., A higher level refers to higher activations scores.