Pinnacle Treatment Planning System Manual
Nothing about me without me. — Valerie Billingham, Through the Patient's Eyes, Salzburg Seminar Session 356, 1998 Caring and compassion were once often the only “treatment” available to clinicians. Silhouette Crack Free Download more. Over time, advances in medical science have provided new options that, although often improving outcomes, have inadvertently distanced physicians from their patients. The result is a health care environment in which patients and their families are often excluded from important discussions and left feeling in the dark about how their problems are being managed and how to navigate the overwhelming array of diagnostic and treatment options available to them. In 1988, the Picker/Commonwealth Program for Patient-Centered Care (now the Picker Institute) coined the term “patient-centered care” to call attention to the need for clinicians, staff, and health care systems to shift their focus away from diseases and back to the patient and family. Electric Sound Chadabe Pdf To Word. Nest In The Wind Second Edition Sparknotes Romeo. The term was meant to stress the importance of better understanding the experience of illness and of addressing patients' needs within an increasingly complex and fragmented health care delivery system.
Treatment planning prior to the 1970s was generally carried out through the manual manipulation of standard isodose charts onto patient body contours that were generated by direct tracing or lead-wire representation, and relied heavily on the judicious choice of beam weight and wedging by an experienced dosimetrist. Tabtight professional, free when you need it, VPN service. Quality Assurance of Pinnacle Treatment Planning System for External Beam Radiotherapy. The aspects of Pinnacle software evaluated were monitor unit and dose calculation, plan printout data and electronic plan transfer. For electron beams, Pinnacle and manual calculations were compared.
