Vera Serial Interface Program
Since we have changed USB chips in the AD2USB, the default driver on the Vera does not successfully find our device right off the bat and there are a few steps that need to be completed to get the AD2USB to show up in the serial port configuration of the Ademco plugin. So, here we are: 1. Type: lsusb - this will list all the vendor and product id for usb ports and adapters on your vera - the AD2USB will show up as 0403:6015, 0403:6010 or 0403:60xx for example. Write this down as it is your 'vendor id:product id' - if you're not sure which your AD2USB is, unplug your AD2USB and type 'lsusb'. Plug it in and type 'lsusb'. See which line was added. That is your adapter's info.
The DHS Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Terms (DAAT) list contains homeland security related acronyms, abbreviations, and terms that can be found in DHS documents. Bmw Diagnose Software Ediabas Download Youtube. Make sure to look here if your sensor don't show up correctly on Vera. Porcelain Patch Repair Kit. Upload the device files the same way as you did above. Next, you will need to configure the USB port communication settings so the Vera can communicate with the gateway over the USB serial connection. Finally, go to: APPS Develop Apps Serial port.